How do you feel about the orphan crisis?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why do I care?

Because 143 million is more than just a statistic. Because 143 million is 143 million individual orphans who will not have a mom or dad to tuck them them in tonight.  Because once you experience something it grabs your heart and won't let go.
Last year I spent time in a Children's Home in Nepal.  I cannot stop thinking about it.  When you see it on t.v. it breaks your heart, but when you see with your eyes, when you have names to put with the faces, it's a whole other case.  I will never ever forget the children in Nepal.  They will always be in my heart.  I was so surprised by the children in the children's home.  Those children are incredible.  Everyday there were smiling and laughing.  They played in dirt, and they were happy.  Never did I hear them complain.  Never did I hear them ask God, "Why me?"  They are not bitter towards God, or anybody.  When I was there they were always praising God.  Even though they had so little, they were so thankful for what they did have.  They love having a relationship with Jesus, and they rejoice in that.  I walked with them to school each day, and one day on the way to school, two of the little girls started singing a song "Jesus Never Fails."  One part of the song says, "Your Momma may let you down, your Pappa may let you down, men of the world may let you down, but Jesus never fails."  Wow. I was so impressed when I heard them singing that. It still gets me everytime I watch the video of it.  These children are orphans.  Their parents have let them down. Yet, here they are singing their moms and dads may let them down, but Jesus never fails.  I want to be like those children! I learned so much from them.  I wish you could all go and see.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If not you, if not me, who will cry for the orphan child?

Who Will Cry For The Orphan Child

Lonely all his years
His eyes have cried out of tears
Wanting to be hugged
Long been longing to be loved
Orphan child
Who will cry for the orphan child

Lost and all alone
The little boy with no home
No family to care
The little girl cries in her sleep
Orphan child
Who will cry for the orphan child

Orphan child
Who will cry for the orphan child
A child is waiting for a home that’s for good
A child is praying for a family that’s for keeps

Orphan child
Who will cry for the orphan child
Orphan child
Who will cry for the orphan child

Who will tell the child about a father above
Who will tell the child about Jesus’ saving love
Who will tell the child about a father above
Who will tell the child about Jesus’ savin’ love
Orphan child, Who will cry
Who will cry for the orphan child
 If not you, if not me
Who will cry for the orphan child

Lyrics by Gerald Clark and Diame Dumaup

Copyright © 2007 Home For Good Foundation
* Over 130 million children have lost one or both parents.

* Every 18 seconds another child becomes an orphan, without a mother or father.

* At least 16.2 million children worldwide have lost both parents.

* Every 14 seconds a child loses a parent due to AIDS.
(from ShowHope)

The statistics are overwhelming. Especially when you think they are not just numbers, they are children.  Children who are scared and alone.  Every child deserves a family, yet not every child has that.  So, what are you going to do about it? This blog will provide information about orphans, organizations serving them, my experience with orphans in Nepal, and ways to help orphans in Nepal.  So, what are you going to do? Will you care?  Will you cry for the orphan child?